Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Blogidy blog

So...this is my baby room. Pictures taken with the cell phone so sorry if they are bad. It is quite cute in person.

This clearly, is her crib and cute paper lantern type things we found on sale at Joann's. They just so happen to be the right colors.

This shall be her changing/feeding area. We sprayed that little table and lamp white and covered the lamp shade with fabric. I painted that rocking chair white back in April when Brad got it for me for my birthday, it took a loooong time. The pink dresser was black and has been very versatile for me ever since I have been on my own. It still needs the handles put back on. right above the changing table is where I would like to put some sort of vinyl saying but I just cant think of the right thing to say. Maybe just a big Princess Aurora will do. We decided not to paint the room for now. It seemed like way too much work and mom and I have done our fair share of painting in the last few months.
This is a shot from the hallway. All i need is a wee baby to finish the room. And maybe some curtains.


  1. eeeeeeeeeeeeee I like it a lot ;) You need curtains so she can sleep better. and so no one can steal her

  2. So cute Sara! That's so exciting she's almost here!

  3. Squeeee!!! I bet you never use the "feeding station" just saying.

  4. I agree. Night feeding always happen in bed around here. So cute though. Curtains are a good idea too. Is she on her way yet?

  5. That is adorable! I LOVE it! :D Can't wait to see that baby in there!!!

  6. Looks great! A perfect little space for her! Can't wait til she's here!
